Sunday, April 8, 2012

George Condo for Kanye... again

Damien Hirst



Right now we're in Australia, but can't wait to visit this Exhibition when back in London. If you're there, make sure you visit the Tate Modern.

Opening Times:
4 April – 9 September 2012
£14 - Concessions available
Open late Friday – Sunday until 22.00

Monday, April 2, 2012

Juliet's COVEN mag
Action and adventure meet style and culture

Ever-amazing Juliet has begun her own mag, covering the international women of the world.
Issue 001 sees Sanna Charles, Jenny Jones, Krystle Wright, Roisin Dunne amongst many more others.

Issue #1 launches April 12, at Red Bull Studios, London

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Anton Zolotov Solo Exhibition


Hannah Barry Gallery - Peckham location

Opening Reception Friday March 30th - 6.30 - 9pm


A chronicler of contemporary American experience, Anton Zolotov’s latest paintings are provocative and lyrical collisions of images, objects, forms and ideas. 

Zolotov is a Russian-American artist living in New York, and his work condenses the familiar tumult of city lifeinto stable, austere geometrical figures.

The integration of found and trash objects allied to the appropriation of abstract, ideal forms challenges the artificial separation of art from life. Equal inspiration is here taken from the formal innovations of early modernism and the aesthetics of throwaway consumerism. The effect is a precarious balance, a seductive combination of the ideal and the mundane thatreflects our own impure experience of the world.Several of the assemblage paintings have the flavour of a palimpsest, with the detritus of post-industrial urban existence simultaneously obscured and preserved by the paint that glues it to the canvas. The ephemeral is thus conserved in paint, a neat twist on the painter’sconventional efforts to immortalise.The artist has expressed his determination to be “an idealist and a storyteller at the sametime”, and these works reflect the complexity of his, and our own, experience of the world around us.

-Press Release Hannah Barry Gallery

Exhibition continues through March 31 - May 12 2012

For more :

Hannah Barry Gallery - Peckham

Unit 9i
Copeland Road Industrial Estate 
133 Copeland Road 
SE15 3SN
+44 (0)20 7635 0464

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Thomas Demand
23 March - 22 April

In the incredible mushroom-shaped sculpture of a building, known as the Commercial Travellers' Association Club, you'll find Berlin-based artist Thomas Demand's latest project for the 25th Kaldor Public Art Program.

Perhaps one of the most intriguingly simplistic yet notable works in Australia currently.
Go all x

Thomas Demand, Daily #12, 2009, Dye Transfer Print
79.9 x 80.2cm (framed) copyright Thomas Demand, VG Bild-kunst,
Bonn/ Viscopy, Sydney, courtesy Sprueth Magers Berlin London