Monday, December 5, 2011





 + Inventory Magazine Issue 5 + 
+ The Albion Issue 4 +
+ Dazed and Confused 20th Anniversary Issue +
+DAZED 20th Anniversary Book +
+  mono kulture .15 +  REPRINT

Clean in design, featuring long articles on their chosen features - Inventory is definitely worth collecting. Even though we, (atleast London) are in the middle of the heritage/workwear obsession, this has always been Inventory's steez and they still prove to be ahead of the game. They've even got an Inventory store in Vancouver, Canada - stocking what they believe are the best products/clothes around. Expect to see any of those items in East London households and East Londoners alike.

The best BMX magazine out there, The Albion features not only mind-blowing images, but also really great interviews. The whole magazine is run by actual BMXers who live and breathe it. Best of all it is still an independent publication. How?! We featured The Albion in our 'Recommended Reading' section of Champ Issue 004 - for a reason. Start reading and collecting these- believe it or not they're free...

Dazed has been around for 20 years? Wow. Time flies. But lucky for us they've also created 'Making It Up As We Go Along' with their favourite features and photoshoots of the past 2 decades.
We usually favour i-D, but we have a soft spot for Dazed as it pushed publishing boundaries in its early years, and had a solid cast of contributors who have now gone on to do great things - such as Katie Grand and Rankin.
We also love the title, 'Making It Up As We Go Along' ... sounds just like us. 

If you haven't seen Taryn Simon's latest body of work at the Tate Modern, get yourself over there as soon as you can (it's free to enter too). Berlin-based Mono Kultur have reprinted Issue 003 and Issue 15 from their archives where they focussed on Simon's work. At just 35, she is really one of a kind. We continue to praise her work, one of the most remarkable photographers of our time.
Mono Kultur is another magazine to keep a look out for. Usually a5 in size, each issue focusses on a particular designer, artist, photographer, creator. We featured them in Issue 002. Time for a re-read.

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