Our boys down at THE CIRCUIT GYM are opening a new location in northeast portland. congratulations guys. you are killing it. now start holding some ABS comps so we can all enjoy your joint!!!!
here is a letter from homeboy andy coleman
Dear Circuit Friends,
After starting this paragraph about ten times, I realize that it is very difficult to put into words the gratitude I feel towards all of you, my Circuit friends. Obviously we would not exist without customers, but you have given us so much more than your business. We are friends, we are family, we are a community. Thank you!
You deserve a giant thanks for creating and supporting such a positive atmosphere in the gym. It is all too common for climbing gyms to have weird egos, bad attitudes, and cliques. It is very uncommon for a gym to have such a welcoming, friendly, laid-back, and respectful bunch of climbers. Water it and give it plenty of sunshine- it is precious!
One of the greatest parts about the gym for me is to see people appreciating the fruits of our labor. It motivates the staff and I to make our gym the best, whether that means cleaning the floor or building a new wall, or setting a good route. We started by trying to make the best bouldering gym in the world, and have been improving on it for almost 5 years. You may have noticed some of the changes we have made since we opened- the mezzanine, the Wood Wall, the Big Roof, new floor, air filtration, the Smurf Wall, moving the kids boulder (a legendary night!), and more.
It’s time for another great improvement to The Circuit. There are more of us climbing than ever before and there is no room for more climbing terrain in the gym, so it is on to gym number 2!
We have just obtained a warehouse at a convenient and close-in location in Northeast Portland. We should have the new gym ready for you in the fall. Our new gym is not going to be a smaller, satellite gym- it’s going to be, without a doubt, the world’s largest bouldering gym. It’s over 40% bigger than The Circuit. Everything about this new gym will be designed around giving you more. There will be no changes to our rates, and your passes will get you into both gyms. There will be tons more top out terrain, more exclusive kids area, more room for slacklining, and more parking for bikes and cars. Details will emerge over time, but you can expect our best efforts.
Thank you again for making The Circuit such a wonderful place, and for making this second gym possible. Stay tuned for more information, and please contribute any ideas you have for the new gym, as we would love to hear them! (You can also expect a member party at the new spot really soon!)
Andy Coleman - Owner
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