Sunday, November 8, 2009


I spent my weekend in the hospital. I had so much pressure on my chest and was very short of breath. I know you guys do not know but I had an open-heart surgery (I had a valve repaired)  in 2007 and never really recouped to my normal being. So, with that said my diagnosis was pericarditis (inflammation of the sac that surrounds and protects the heart), and the second diagnosis was fibromyalgia. Anyhow, I was there since Friday until today and I asked my husband to bring me the G since I was going to have time to get familiar with it while getting treated. Of course I had to take a photo with my cell phone and here it is: "G N ME" again, lol. I feel much better though, still short of breath but I am glad it wasn't anything threatening.
I praise God for it.

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