Sunday, January 31, 2010



Valentine Garland
made with love
I used the Sweethearts cartridge for this one.
I also used the CDS since the G gives me a headache :)

The scalloped hearts are cut at 5 inches, the pink ones are 4 inches, the white ones are done using the hide contour feature and using the same cut I used for the pink ones at 2.75 inches. The cupids are 3 inches and the pink hearts they are holding are 1 inch. I used pop dots to rise some of the hearts. 
The ribbon I used is a gross grain, but I do not remember the source.
The square stamp that is in the center was cut at 6.5 inches with a shadow.
The garland extends, NOT COUNTING the length of the ribbon, approximately 30 inches.

I hope you like it as much as I do. 

NOTE: remember you can click on the pic for a bigger size and I am so sorry for some of them, Lulu was driving me nutty, I guess she felt neglected while I was busy making the garland. I will try tomorrow to add one more pic of the whole garland when light is better too ;)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

SCS OPEN finals from the show last week...mens

Mens Finals SCS National Championships from Jon Glassberg on Vimeo.

this guy killed the big air tonight

halldor helgason from iceland really destroyed the big air tonight. check him and his brothers blog HELGASONS

little si today jan 30th

me and bret watching bhops fall off the last move of pornstar
bhops on pornstar
bhops and the classic nanuk hat
again we headed out into the wet to try and get some lines in. most of them were dry again and we really had great temps. i did the first 3 lines in a tshirt.
me, bret, bhops and the Kyle O. got psyched on yet another winter climbing day in washington. love this place.

for years when bhops was younger, he would come to practice, and comps, and school, and sleeping and pretty much every where with a hat like this one pictured. we found it at the gas station and it brought back many good memories. he was always a funny kid.


=D> =D> =D>
I finally got my "emoticons" working thanks to Pam from The Bug Bytes blog
 and member of the Cricut MB and of course, my Dear Son who helped finding where to insert the code.


Actually it was yesterday and I was playing with the camera settings 
and I said why not take a few pics of me and show how I really look today.
This is the result, please do not run away, certain days I do look better, LMBO

ETA: I deleted two of the 4 photos I had because my DH says they were too many :(

Rooney puts united through to carling cup final


Thursday, January 28, 2010

klem loskott


Hello again!
I have been pre-occupied with some personal matters that needed priority and that is the reason I am a bit late with everything, including posting today's card. I apologize for it.

This is the Joy Card #10 and on page 41 of the cartridge booklet.
What a beautiful card this one is,
I hope you enjoy it.

My Joy Card   
4 inches

Lisa's Joy Card

Are they the cutest or what?

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I have been thinking that Lulu has been with us since around my birthday last November
and I never got around on making a page for her.
Lulu is the funniest pug, she follows me everywhere and
she steals the show everytime.

It is my pleasure to present:
 "Star of the Show"

As you can see I got to use my MS Crown paper punch ( the go around the page one)
why not crown Lulu at the same time.
After all,  
Lulu is my Little Princess.

The stickles used for the name is the Fruit Punch one.
I chose it because it is pink but it came out a golden color :(
BTW, I am loving the fonts from Don Juan.

On another note:
Thanks to you guys I realized I won a "Sweet Treats" cart at
I already emailed her with my info.
I am very happy  and I Thank You again for letting me know.
It made my day, and I tell you my days have not been too good lately. A lot going on,  not so many pleasant things right now, and just the excitement of me winning a cart made a difference.
BUT, I have to do something with that cart, please have that in mind.

Thanks for coming over!

Ich möchte wirklich an die Frankenjura gehen

Frankenjura 2009 from Waldi on Vimeo.

we all wish we were.......

found @ saturdays

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

John Cardiel

this hits home. me and a ton of my friends who grew up skating are riding bikes now. apparently so is cardiel. i love seeing this. love what he used to do.
"just keep cruisin, keep doin your thing, keep movin. if your not skating, you better be doin something."

intheCUTTS Episode 6: JOHN CARDIEL from InThe Cutts on Vimeo.

found at PROLLY


Happy Tuesday!

I am amazed at all the New Goodies this year 2010 is bringing into the Scrapbook World.
Have you had a chance to look at some of the photos posted on blogs about the CHA in California?
Provo Craft alone is releasing around 100 new cartridges and
I believe a few (maybe 5) new Cricut machines.
 We better start saving every single penny to buy those
I know I can't wait to see all these new goodies from all these manufacturers.

As I was saying today is Tuesday
and Lisa and I will be showing the latest card
we made from the Wild Card cartridge from Provo Craft.

My Birthday Card
5-1/2 inches

Lisa's Birthday Card

I love the cake Lisa used to embellish the card.
WTG Lisa...I am truly enjoying this series with you.


I hope our followers are enjoying them too.

Do not forget to tune-in on Thursday for another
Wild card With Lisa

Oh! I almost forgot, this is card # 9 and
you can find this card on page #40 of the cartridge booklet.

Thanks for stopping by!
Love it when you do

Monday, January 25, 2010

First day of sounders practice, PHOTOS AND FOOTAGE

Sounders FC's first day back: Fredy's in camp, Freddie isn't

Posted using ShareThis


Been too busy to blog.
Let me catch a breath.
Okay, here’s the news:

1. Down But Never Out, the bio of former middleweight champion Joey Giardello and his relationship with his son, Carman, born with Down syndrome is now available. It can be purchased online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Open Books Press and my website:
2. The Hummingbird Review, America’s newest literary journal will within days be available at the same sites mentioned above.
3. My book of poetry, Long-A-Coming is available at Amazon and my website.
4. All three books will be on sale at the Southern California Writers’ Conference, February 12-15. The official launch of all three books will be celebrated during the Conference. Would love to see you there. For more info see

Sunday, January 24, 2010


a couple of really good friends of mine just opened a new cocktail lounge on capital hill. right by bauhaus and the baltic room. STILL LIQOUR
great joint. great atmosphere. check it out.

Rain Warriors......hate

Saturday, January 23, 2010

first little si day of 2010

bret and I headed up to little si today. rock was good, super crisp but not too cold at all. some stuff was wet but not everything. we got about 6 pitches in before we decided to call it. i was still able to climb 5.13 after a couple months of gaining weight and not really training. this felt good. it is getting me psyched for consistent days out there. but i think im going to the PCC for a donut right now.

sharma.....time to train monos

Friday, January 22, 2010



Sonicsgate SD Full Version from sonicsgate on Vimeo.


Happy Friday!

This project is not my original idea but something I saw on my
"Blog Hopping" time and decided to give it a try.
You can found all the instructions and
know more about the artist

Now, Enjoy my version of it.
I think it came out pretty cool.

Notepad and pen Holder 
The paper is from Prima Marketing Inc., Presents (The First Blush Collection). The Kraft paper is from MS and the punch (Checker Board) I used is also MS. The scallop, circle and bird were punched with Fiskars punches. The cardstock I used for the bird is American Crafts. The word "Journey" was stamped using a clear stamp I believe from the G Studio series and the ink used is from Color Box (Chianti). The button and fiber are from my stash. The ink I used for the paper edges is from Quick Quotes. The pencil is actually a color pencil from Crayola :) I found in my stash and the color matched perfect with the project.
If you have any questions I can help you with, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thanks for stopping by!!!
and... if you like, go and visit the blog I found this project.
They have beautiful-beautiful projects you might want to try.

still dreamin


Thursday, January 21, 2010


Today is Thursday, January 21st, 2010
It is time to show the Oval Card, # 8 in the series, page 39 from the Wild Card Cartridge.
I know is kind of plain, not much at all but I was mojo-less that day
and I couldn't think of nothing else until...
I saw Lisa's.
I love her idea and what she did with her card.

My Oval card
5 inches

Lisa's Oval Card

Look how beautiful and what a great idea she had with this card.
You can always pay her a visit to see more of her creations.

Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Donna was having a Blog candy and I was the winner, YAY!
Donna is a member of the BBTB2 which previously was Bitten by the Bug with Regina Easter; we all know Regina from the Cricut MB and her amazing work.

The following has been Copy and Pasted from Donna's Blog:

"...And now for the WINNER of The Cutting Cafe 2010 Calendar set and Journaling Lines Background Stamps is (chosen by random by DH who never knows why I'm always asking him to "pick a number").....


Congrats flowerdisco! 
Please email me at ------ 
and I'll send those sets right out to you".


 They are downloadable files, but here is the link to Donna's Calendar  where she made a project with them.

I did ask if I could share them with my followers but since these are Regina's files it was a no-no and rules are rules. This is the copy of the reply email I received from Donna:

"Oh Agnes, I'm sorry but since Regina has a business to sell the files they really aren't available to share.  She just occasionally allows the Design Team to offer them as blog candy as a promotion.  xxD"
I will try to make a Calendar with the files as soon as I can and I will post from all of you to see.
And... Please, pay a visit to Donna's Blog  and to Regina because they have gorgeous projects on their blogs.

Now, I will leave this post with the most recent photo of  


Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Another Tuesday and I am proud to present the  
Booklet Card, number 7 in our journey.

My Booklet Card
5 inches

Lisa's Booklet Card

I absolutely love Lisa's take on the card.
I love the distressed blue and the border looks to me like a fence behind the tree.
Beautiful Job!

Again, Thanks so much taking the time to look at our creations
and even more thankful for taking the time to leave a comment.


Saturday, January 16, 2010


The cardstock is a maroon color (unknown brand), the border is MS, the tag is from Accent Essentials, the rub-on is from Heidi Grace, the bird from a Fiskars punch.
All the cardstock are bits and pieces found in my scraps.