Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I have been thinking that Lulu has been with us since around my birthday last November
and I never got around on making a page for her.
Lulu is the funniest pug, she follows me everywhere and
she steals the show everytime.

It is my pleasure to present:
 "Star of the Show"

As you can see I got to use my MS Crown paper punch ( the go around the page one)
why not crown Lulu at the same time.
After all,  
Lulu is my Little Princess.

The stickles used for the name is the Fruit Punch one.
I chose it because it is pink but it came out a golden color :(
BTW, I am loving the fonts from Don Juan.

On another note:
Thanks to you guys I realized I won a "Sweet Treats" cart at
I already emailed her with my info.
I am very happy  and I Thank You again for letting me know.
It made my day, and I tell you my days have not been too good lately. A lot going on,  not so many pleasant things right now, and just the excitement of me winning a cart made a difference.
BUT, I have to do something with that cart, please have that in mind.

Thanks for coming over!

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