Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Happy Tuesday!

I am amazed at all the New Goodies this year 2010 is bringing into the Scrapbook World.
Have you had a chance to look at some of the photos posted on blogs about the CHA in California?
Provo Craft alone is releasing around 100 new cartridges and
I believe a few (maybe 5) new Cricut machines.
 We better start saving every single penny to buy those
I know I can't wait to see all these new goodies from all these manufacturers.

As I was saying today is Tuesday
and Lisa and I will be showing the latest card
we made from the Wild Card cartridge from Provo Craft.

My Birthday Card
5-1/2 inches

Lisa's Birthday Card

I love the cake Lisa used to embellish the card.
WTG Lisa...I am truly enjoying this series with you.


I hope our followers are enjoying them too.

Do not forget to tune-in on Thursday for another
Wild card With Lisa

Oh! I almost forgot, this is card # 9 and
you can find this card on page #40 of the cartridge booklet.

Thanks for stopping by!
Love it when you do

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