Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Champ met with Neil Edwards while in Sydney, an incredible man as passionate about print and magazine design like no other.

Working as an Art Editor for London-based I.D magazine in the late 80's, he left to
begin his own Design Studio with a fellow I.D. designer and has found himself living in Sydney since. It must be the brilliant weather and good-looking folk of Australia that's done it... Oh yes.

Neil showed us some of his latest print-specific works including zines and stamps.
The layout is impeccable, if you look closely you'll notice each design placement is carefully curated, referencing POP and a variety of old-school tokens.

Big thank you to Liz Farrelly for putting us in touch, and keep an eye on both their projects. Here and here.

The creative degrees of separation make working internationally as important and as easy as locally. No bounds yo, no excuses.

Mister Edwards
(published by the man from Ilford)

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