Sunday, February 28, 2010
and they couldn't come at a better time.
Let me tell explain...
Today while looking for a Priority Mail box in the attic (our attic is packed with stuff)
I noticed some totes on their sides. I went to straighten them out and
I stepped on some insulation on the attic floor and
my whole right leg went through the ceiling in my bedroom and I almost fell through the hole.
Now, I have to call my handyman and spend money to repair the ceiling instead buying some carts for me.
Soooo sad!
these awards are making my day!
Special Thanks to my
dear friend Helen from
and to my other
dear friend Audrey from
for making my day a happy one despite almost killing myself today.
The rules are I have to share 7 things about me and pass the award to 15 people.
I will edit this post tomorrow and do what I have to do.
I do have so many things to do tomorrow I hope I can finish them all.
Thanks again,
from my heart.
I started last night going to my new followers blog because I wanted to Thank everyone individually and I still want to do that but as you may know is very time consuming and I couldn't get to every one last night. I will go to everyone that has a blog,
I will become their follower too but it will take me a bit of time.
You already know that between house chores, family business
(Lulu wanting my attention for playtime and love),
we have little time for what we want to do.
BUT, I will get there, I promise.
I do want to acknowledge each one of you.
I am very grateful for you my new followers and
I am very grateful for my older ones too.
We have inspired each other with our projects,
we talk a bit about our personal lives
and some have become cyber friends too.
I thank You all from the bottom of my heart.
Hugs to All
Now, on another note:
You know I have finally finished my Cookbook. You also know I put it up for Blog Candy. You must also know I still learning a whole lot and that this project by no means is perfect and or professionally done even I tried my best and more, you will find some mistakes.
You also must know that to be eligible for it you must become a follower if you are not already one and leave a comment on the cookbook post .
My already followers
must leave a comment on the Cookbook post as well.
Those are the only two requirements I have.
I hope you do not mind since those rules seem
to be the norm for blog candies/giveaways.
Hugs to All
Saturday, February 27, 2010
SCS comp stonegardens
great comp today. really good routes. all our kids had a great time.
my mom and marshall came by.
this is fun.
my mom and marshall came by.
this is fun.
Enjoy and please, leave some constructive criticism.
Hugs to All!!!
Friday, February 26, 2010
In the Cricut Message Board a challenge runs every night. It is called the 1 hour challenge because you have an hour to complete a project of your choice. Today, I made a card in 35 minutes and I want it for this challenge. I am posting it here for any followers who are not aware of the challenge. The challenge is run by Kathy, better known as Alaskaricut on the MB and you can find the challenge on the "cricut chat" forum. I believe the time to post starts at 7PM.
Thank You card
Thank You card
All papers are from K&Co., ribbon is from American Crafts, I do not remember where the Thank You clear stamps is-sorry-, ink is from Staz-on, and card base MS. I used a distressed look for the card and I torn the paper for the grass leaving enough white to simulate snow. As you can see the tree is fully in bloom. This is my way to envision the future, LOL. We have had so much snow it will take all summer for all to start melting. I wanted to translate that on my card.
I certainly hope I am totally wrong for the sake of my sanity.
The card is 5" x 5-1/2". Almost a square card :p
NOTE: I do not know how to keep the Blog Candy Post on the top so if any of you knows, please give some help. Otherwise, you can look on the right side bar for the Cookbook label and if you want to be added to the giveaway, please sign as a follower and leave me a comment.
That is all about, just these two requirements.
Thanks so much!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wed. March 10th at 8 PM EST. The deadline to enter is on March 9th midnight
NOTE: I never used random.org and it will be my first choice to randomly choose a winner but if that fails, names will go in a bag and then I will pull one out.
After having to scroll down and scroll down to check the new posts I wasn't too happy about it. I bet you guys don't like it either. What I am doing is giving you the link for the Cookbook post and this way you just have to click HERE
Wed. March 10th at 8 PM EST. The deadline to enter is on March 9th midnight
NOTE: I never used random.org and it will be my first choice to randomly choose a winner but if that fails, names will go in a bag and then I will pull one out.
After having to scroll down and scroll down to check the new posts I wasn't too happy about it. I bet you guys don't like it either. What I am doing is giving you the link for the Cookbook post and this way you just have to click HERE
to go immediately to the post.
I was reading Bridget's Blog this morning and I liked what she did with her Sunshine Award.
I want to do the same; Bridget, I hope you do not mind. It's hard to just choose 6 followers and then feel bad because I couldn't give it to all. Sooo...
I am passing my Sunshine Award to:
Come and feel free to grab it and post it on your blog.
You all deserve it well.
Thanks for being there for me and Thank You for all your comments and love.
COOBOOK FINALLY DONE/blog candy giveaway
A few more days for the Giveaway...I have decided to announce the winner on Wed. March 10th at 8 PM EST. The deadline to enter is on March 9th midnight EST.
I will post the lucky follower on this blog.
Thanks for participating!
My friend Helen (Thanks Helen) gave me instructions on how to keep this post on top until the Cookbook Blog Candy/Giveaway is over. This will be easier for you to leave a comment for the chance to take it home.
I have finally finished the Cookbook I was working on, PHEW!
I think Lisa#2 (not the one I am doing the Wild Card Cartridge cards with) is a bit apprehensive on posting her Cookbook photos so you will have to deal with mine :-) and know that I have worked very hard and that it's not perfect because I am still learning a lot and I made a few boo-boo's
but overall I think it came out pretty good.
I used many different techniques including inking, embossing, paper piecing, bling and a few more.
A few more days for the Giveaway...I have decided to announce the winner on Wed. March 10th at 8 PM EST. The deadline to enter is on March 9th midnight EST.
I will post the lucky follower on this blog.
Thanks for participating!
My friend Helen (Thanks Helen) gave me instructions on how to keep this post on top until the Cookbook Blog Candy/Giveaway is over. This will be easier for you to leave a comment for the chance to take it home.
I have finally finished the Cookbook I was working on, PHEW!
I think Lisa#2 (not the one I am doing the Wild Card Cartridge cards with) is a bit apprehensive on posting her Cookbook photos so you will have to deal with mine :-) and know that I have worked very hard and that it's not perfect because I am still learning a lot and I made a few boo-boo's
but overall I think it came out pretty good.
I used many different techniques including inking, embossing, paper piecing, bling and a few more.
I am going to offer it for a Blog Candy including a few easy recipes and room for you to add yours too. I was going to take pix of the the recipes as I made them but I forgot every time :(. Anyway,
I will add a ribbon or twine on the wire binding for you to hang it on your kitchen wall if you desired. The winner will have to let me know of her/his preference.
Here are the photos. I made a few collages so you wouldn't have to look at so many pix at one time.
I will choose a winner from the followers who leave a comment on this post. If you are not a follower please become one so we learn together and please leave a comment to enter for the cookbook.
I will give some time since my blog is kind of new. I am thinking maybe 2 weeks and then I will randomly choose a name. I hope this sounds fair to all.
OOOps! I forgot the recipes...here is what I did.....
I hope you like it!
OOOps! I forgot the recipes...here is what I did.....
I hope you like it!
Good Day!
We haven't been having nice weather and my mood is a bit sad right now because
I love when the sun shines.
And then I remember Psalm 118:24
"This is the day the LORD has made;
Now, it's all good again; I have the sunshine in me.
Thank You Lord.
Well, today is another Thursday and Lisa and I have the
Thanks Card to share.
You will find this one on page#49 and is card #18 on our venture here.
Hope you like them.
When I saw that sombrero it just reminded me of Mexico and how their Mariachis (singers) costumes are made so elaborated and full of embellishments and lots of bling. So, that is what I tried to portrait; vivid, bright, gorgeous colors blinging all around :-).
My Thanks Card
6 inches
Lisa's Thanks Card
I love Lisa's card. I love how she incorporated the Paper Dolls cartridge in this card. I love the clothing on the doll; bright, vivid colors true to the culture. It never occurred me to include the paper doll. Thanks Lisa! you have inspired me again with your creativity and imagination.
This is Lisa's BLOG, just click on the link so you do miss any of it.
Enjoy the cards and enjoy the day!
climbing in the olympics
ARCO 2011, ISFC world championships
IFSC CLIMBING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS ARCO 2011 from Planetmountain.com on Vimeo.
when i was a kid Arco was the huge event we only got to read about. we would wait for the latest issue to come out with coverage. here in the US it was pretty lame. so i would get ahold of VERTICAL magazine from france and mountain magazine from the UK for much better coverage.
i would love to go to this event some day.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
the newest members of the vertical world climbing team
This Sunshine Award came from one of my dear followers named Erica. I want to thank her publicly for this thoughtful act. I am thrilled.
You really do have to visit Erica's BLOG.
You won't regret to take the time to visit her. Erica is a new blogger but I liked every single project she has share with us.
Thanks Erica for thinking of me for this Sunshine Award.
ETA: I will be posting my other 6 award winners tomorrow.
ETA: I will be posting my other 6 award winners tomorrow.
I was looking through some cards I made a while ago and I wanted to share this one. Why this one? Well, you see the ribbon. It's a cheapy one from ACM or M's. In the beginning of my journey as a paper crafter, scrapbooker, cardmaker :-) I bought a few of these and then...
I did not like them as much.
BUT, on this card it looks like that ribbon compliments the card so well.
What do you think?
The paper is also gorgeous but I can't remember where is from.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Welcome in Spanish is
to my blog.
Today we have the Circle Card.
You can find it on page #48 and this card is the 17th card we have made.
I bought a pack of Kraft cardstock at Hobby Lobby and I am loving the texture, color and how much my Cricut like s it too. It cuts like butter with a blade depth of 3 and the pressure on 4.
I bought a pack of Kraft cardstock at Hobby Lobby and I am loving the texture, color and how much my Cricut like s it too. It cuts like butter with a blade depth of 3 and the pressure on 4.
My Circle Card
4 inches
and below you have the envelope which I stamped and colored in with my Sakura Gelly Roll pens.
(The souffle ones are not working anymore).
The Gelly Roll ones leave a raised and shiny surface on your image.
You do have to go very slow to achieve the look.
Lisa's Circle Card
If you have time go to Lisa's blog to learn more about her techniques and projects.
This is Lisa's BLOG.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope we inspired you a bit.
'A Love Letter For You'
Actually Tony told me about this one..
ESPO has finished his //A Love Letter For You/// project in Philadelphia, USA (where Tom and Tony hail from!)
Check out his site www.aloveletterforyou.com - his blog on it is well good.
What he says:
Love Letter is literally a love letter painted on the walls facing the Market elevated train. 40 local and international artists will paint the walls in August and the letter will be on view for one and all starting as early as Labor Day.
“The project will encompass 50 painted walls between 63rd and 45th street on Market Street, a documentary film with scripted elements, a sign school and shop that will provide training for area youth and free signage for businesses on the market street corridor, and 2 books documenting the project. One of the books will be a small paperback that will be distributed to area businesses free of charge, for them to sell to visitors. The other book will be a larger hardcover book that will document not only the artwork but the neighborhood and the inspirations of the Love Letter Project.''
'Selby NEW BOOK,
The Selby has also been busy completing his first coffee table book, //The Selby:Photos in Your Place//
I for one can't wait to get my hands on it. Released 1st March at Colette, Paris.
He recently snapped ESPO. Check it..
Photos via www.slamxhype.com
The screening of Spike Jonze's commissioned film 'I'm Here' turned out great. The girls at Final know how to full a crowd! There were Espresso Martinis, Bloody Marys and more.. that kept everyone entertained until the oh-so very cute film was screened. Spike Jonze's work is great, although the film's storyline was WAY to romantic and cute.
The press screening is today at 3pm at 14BikeCo, therefore the store will be closed for the day.
Absolut has already blogged it! They are quick off the mark.. Here's one of their shots. More photos here.
Some of my shots:
Really looking forward to this!

If you are in Melbourne this Friday, 26 March 6pm... Head over to £1000 bend on Little Lonsdale.
Including Mr Jago, Anthony Lister, James Reka, Ghost Patrol, Meggs, Craig [KR] Costello... i don't even need to persuade !

If you are in Melbourne this Friday, 26 March 6pm... Head over to £1000 bend on Little Lonsdale.
Including Mr Jago, Anthony Lister, James Reka, Ghost Patrol, Meggs, Craig [KR] Costello... i don't even need to persuade !
Pop Up Bakery
Baker D Chirico has their pop up in probably the best location.
Crossley Street, Melbourne - just off Bourke. Neighbouring Von Haus, Ginger Boy, De Mille, Maimone Charles Tailoring, and Pellegrinis, amongst their deeelicious treats and cosmic wallpaper.
Check it out before they [expire, ha!] or [de-glaze, haha!] April 1st.
Monday, February 22, 2010
So it's the Worlds Largest Short Film Fest, originating in Sydney and going strong since its inception in 1993! Toni Collette and David Michod were amongst the judges this year, with Elijah Wood presenting Abe Forsythe first prize for his film 'Shock'.
The event is screened simulatenously over Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Perth, Hobart, Adelaide, Gold Coast and Brisbane. We were at their new home in Fed Square, really great arvo!
Special mention to Lou + her delicious cupcakes made from her Primrose Hill Bakery cookbook, London.
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