Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bah! Humbug! Santa Claus Challenge

This week at Bah! Humbug! the challenge is Santa Claus. I have a number of Santa collage Stamps from Tim Holtz that I've NEVER inked up so I though now might be a good time. I also bopped over to some of the other Christmas challenge blogs to see if I could combine a challenge or two and saw the cool "HOT Spot" technique on the ABC Christmas Challenge Blog. I'll admit, my stamp isn't the best one to showcase this cool technique but I did follow the tut and colored only the cut out circle of my stamp. The fact that it is a collage stamp and I did a bit of distressing sort of dilutes the effect but I will definitely be trying this again and I encourage you click HERE to see proper examples.

This was definitely a quickie because I'm scrambling to get my DT things done and scheduled before my little birthday trip back to Post Ranch tomorrow, and OF COURSE I couldn't miss my fave Bah! Humbug! challenge being a proud Loyalty Member and all. The red mat was a piece of cardstock that had been laying on my desk for who knows how long. I'd obviously used it for cutting something with my Nestie labels but I liked the edge so I threw it on. Then just a couple of mats, some ribbon, and the popped "hot spot" and there ya go. I've actually posted this early enough that those of you who are interested still have time to join in at B!H! so I hope to see you there but only 8 hours left for ABC. Glad I could sneak it in.

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