Sunday, May 22, 2011

Macabre Monday Necro Neckware

We have a really exciting challenge at Haunted Design House this week for all you budding artists out there. Our sponsor, Kasket Kustoms (Accessories to DIE for! SERIOUSLY!) is giving those who submit original artwork that can be turned into a pendant the opportunity to win. Check HDH for all of the deets. We have some seriously gifted artists at HDH and I really didn't plan on even participating this week. But what the hey? Since I couldn't compete on any serious level, I decided to doodle a bit and came up with this funky VooDoo Doll. (Yes, I know his arms are out of proportion and he's weird as all get out, but I colored him up anyway and stuck him in a memory frame.) I added some vintage buttons and a vintage pin (honestly it's rusted) that I got from my dear friend Joy. (Sorry Joy, I doubt this was what you had in mind when you sent me these. Hee hee!) I kinda got a kick out of it, though But if you REALLY want to see some fabulous creations, check out Haunted Design House and be sure to play along for the possibility of having your design turned into a fabulous piece of jewelry by Kasket Kustoms.

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