Tuesday, May 24, 2011


time goes fast when having fun!
it is time for another MPS design team project
this coming month is Father's Day and the team has some awesome projects 
to get your creativity floating...wink :)...
using some of my pink stamper latest releases.
I am using the "spectacular sayings" set for my card.
Dad, you're one of a kind!
4.25" x 5.5"

i used "pack your bags" cricut cartridge for the family. this image was cut at 4.25 using all its layers.

DAD, is from don juan and "you're one of a kind" from "spectacular sayings", one of my pink stamper's latest releases.

i stamped the eyes, noses and eyebrows with a stamp from my stash. i colored in the cheeks with chalk.

the sun was also stamped.

i think this one turned out so cute and i bet my team mates projects are even better. this is a very talented group my pink stamper has in her design team. so hurry if you haven't been there yet, for tons of inspiration.

love you all!

Daily Life: my son made it to the top 20 of his class with high honors all through his school life. he was elected student of the year and he received various awards. saturday was his prom night and his grad will be the 9th. we are so happy for him and i wanted to tell the world about it. i also would like you to join me in wishing him the best in all his future endeavors. it is a tough journey but with God blessings on his side, he can do it.
my husband diabetes still high: almost 300 but he did go to our family doctor and all his diabetes meds were increased. he needs to go back in three weeks and then in july he will go to an endocrinologist.
i am doing "ok" and keep going--- :)
i also want to take the time to thank God for keeping him safe and praise him in all his glory. Amen!

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