Sunday, February 28, 2010


I started last night going to my new followers blog because I wanted to Thank everyone individually and I still want to do that but as you may know is very time consuming and I couldn't get to every one last night. I will go to everyone that has a blog,
I will become their follower too but it will take me a bit of time. 
You already know that between house chores, family business 
(Lulu wanting my attention for playtime and love), 
we have little time for what we want to do. 
BUT, I will get there, I promise. 
I do want to acknowledge each one of you.
I am very grateful for you my new followers and 
I am very grateful for my older ones too.
We have inspired each other with our projects, 
we talk a bit about our personal lives 
and some have become cyber friends too. 
I thank You all from the bottom of my heart.
Hugs to All

Now, on another note: 

You know I have finally finished my Cookbook. You also know I put it up for Blog Candy. You must also know I still learning a whole lot and that this project by no means is perfect and or professionally done even I tried my best and more, you will find some mistakes.
You also must know that to be eligible for it you must become a follower if you are not already one and leave a comment on the cookbook post . 
My already followers 
must leave a comment on the Cookbook post as well.
Those are the only two requirements I have. 
I hope you do not mind since those rules seem 
to be the norm for blog candies/giveaways.

Hugs to All

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