Wednesday, February 17, 2010


there was a little girl.
When I first started Scrapbooking I called my mother and asked her if she can send photos of me when little. She did find a few and this is one of them. Unfortunately, I still haven't make the album. I dedicated myself to the Card making and Paper Crafts and when I see albums of Book of Me it reminds me of this project I never made. So, as of today is in my list of  projects To Do Soon. Let's see how long it takes me since I am the Queen of Procrastination. BUT, the more I think about it the more I believe is an album that we all should make for our son's and daughter's families and of course their future generations. 
After all, we are part of that generation too.
NOW, please, do not be too cruel here:) that photo was taken many, many, many years ago.
Have a great day!

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