Thursday, February 25, 2010

COOBOOK FINALLY DONE/blog candy giveaway


A few more days for the Giveaway...I have decided to announce the winner on Wed. March 10th at 8 PM EST. The deadline to enter is on March 9th midnight EST.
I will post the lucky follower on this blog.
Thanks for participating!

My friend Helen (Thanks Helen) gave me instructions on how to keep this post on top until the Cookbook Blog Candy/Giveaway is over. This will be easier for you to leave a comment for the chance to take it home.

I have finally finished the Cookbook I was working on, PHEW!

I think Lisa#2 (not the one I am doing the Wild Card Cartridge cards with) is a bit apprehensive on posting her Cookbook photos so you will have to deal with mine :-) and know that I have worked very hard and that it's not perfect because I am still learning a lot and I made a few boo-boo's
but overall I think it came out pretty good.
I used many different techniques including inking, embossing, paper piecing, bling and a few more.

I am going to offer it for a Blog Candy including a few easy recipes and room for you to add yours too. I was going to take pix of the the recipes as I made them but I forgot every time :(. Anyway,
I will add a ribbon or twine on the wire binding for you to hang it on your kitchen wall if you desired. The winner will have to let me know of her/his preference.

Here are the photos. I made a few collages so you wouldn't have to look at so many pix at one time.

 I will choose a winner from the followers who leave a comment on this post. If you are not a follower please become one so we learn together and please leave a comment to enter for the cookbook.
I will give some time since my blog is kind of new. I am thinking maybe 2 weeks and then I will randomly choose a name. I hope this sounds fair to all.

OOOps! I forgot the is what I did.....

I hope you like it!

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