Friday, February 19, 2010


Thanks to 
who was so kind and thoughtful and gave me this  
Sunshine Award.
Isn't it beautiful?
I am so very honored and thankful and so very happy. I love her work and you and I know you will too after stopping by her blog and see her beautiful creations. 
I am not saying this because she was so nice and gave me an award.  :)
Joanne, thanks again.

NOW, the rules for the award are as follows: I must pass this on to 6 of my followers. Put the logo on your blog or within your post.

--Pass the award onto 6 bloggers.

--Link the nominees within your post.

--Let your followers know that you are giving them this award by commenting on their blog

--Share the love and link to the person for whom you received this award.
Here are my six:

I am very sorry I had to choose just six.

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