Tuesday, February 23, 2010

'A Love Letter For You'

Actually Tony told me about this one..

ESPO has finished his //A Love Letter For You/// project in Philadelphia, USA (where Tom and Tony hail from!)
Check out his site www.aloveletterforyou.com - his blog on it is well good.

What he says:

Love Letter is literally a love letter painted on the walls facing the Market elevated train. 40 local and international artists will paint the walls in August and the letter will be on view for one and all starting as early as Labor Day.

“The project will encompass 50 painted walls between 63rd and 45th street on Market Street, a documentary film with scripted elements, a sign school and shop that will provide training for area youth and free signage for businesses on the market street corridor, and 2 books documenting the project. One of the books will be a small paperback that will be distributed to area businesses free of charge, for them to sell to visitors. The other book will be a larger hardcover book that will document not only the artwork but the neighborhood and the inspirations of the Love Letter Project.''

'Selby NEW BOOK,

The Selby has also been busy completing his first coffee table book, //The Selby:Photos in Your Place//

I for one can't wait to get my hands on it. Released 1st March at Colette, Paris.

He recently snapped ESPO. Check it..


The screening of Spike Jonze's commissioned film 'I'm Here' turned out great. The girls at Final know how to full a crowd! There were Espresso Martinis, Bloody Marys and more.. that kept everyone entertained until the oh-so very cute film was screened. Spike Jonze's work is great, although the film's storyline was WAY to romantic and cute. 
The press screening is today at 3pm at 14BikeCo, therefore the store will be closed for the day.
Absolut has already blogged it! They are quick off the mark.. Here's one of their shots. More photos here.

Some of my shots: 

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