Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bah!Humbug! Cards That Make You Giggle Challenge

Is this really Tuesday? Yikes, I almost don't know what to do with myself. The Cuttlebug Spot is on break and it's not my week for the Tiddly Inks Tuesday challenge (but you've got to go there to see what's up!) and the weather has been gorgeous and I had my MM and BBTB2 done a bit early so Sunday and Monday I didn't craft. EIYIYI! Now what? Well, the Bah!Humbug! Challenge is Cards that Make You Giggle and as soon as I saw it I KNEW what I was gonna do. In fact, I bought this Getting Stuck image (BTW there's a girl image too) at Sassy Cheryl's just HOPING there would be a challenge like this from Humbug Hall. "A Christmas Story" is my all time fave Christmas movie. I'm wondering if you ladies across the pond are familiar. Anyway, Flick being "double dog dared"( or was it triple dared?) to lick the post is one of the funniest scenes and here it is in digi. Hope you find the sentiment amusing. And for once I've finished early enough that if you haven't already, you can still participate over at Bah!Humbug! It's even a prize week! WooHoo! And the inspiration cards are a hoot so be sure and stop by. I'm also entering this is in Cupcake Craft Challenges which is Comedy Rocks.

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