Monday, April 18, 2011

BBTB2 Pineapple Challenge

Eiyiyi! I'm running behind again. This week our dear sis, Karen, chose the pineapple from Wall Decor and More for our BBTB2 challenge. I have to apologize, because although I have the cart, I didn't use the image. I love it and all, but I needed to do something really dimensional for an upcoming Guest DT spot so this one on SpongeBob won out. Just trying to keep afloat, killing two birds... I know, pineapples and lemons? What gives? Well DH is in one of his "get healthy" juicing phases with a new machine that allows him to juice all sorts of crap (like wheatgrass...blah!) but he also has been doing some great stuff with fruit, pineapple to be exact. To cut the sweetness a bit, he's adding some lemon which is, (as the card reads) MMMmmm delicious! That wheatgrass juice is beyond nasty, with a foamy head that looks like pondscum, so yesterday he added pineapple to it. Uhh...minimal improvement, so I decided to leave the grass off the card.

It is a shaped front card with the back from George, the pineapple from SpongeBob, the lemons from Simply Charmed, and the sentiment from Graphically Speaking. I'm gonna leave this post short because you'll have more than you ever wanted to know about it in my Guest Designer Spot and I'll be issuing a challenge with a fab prize, so stay tuned. In the meantime be sure to stop by BBTB2 and see all of the gorgeous pineapples going on there. Looks like the gals are in a party mood!

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