Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tiddly Inks Photo Inspiration Challenge

This week at the Tiddly Inks Challenge Blog we have a fab photo inspiration. It's funny about photo inspirations, as well as sketches. I find that I generally take them pretty darn literally, while others can pick and chose elements from the inspiration, be totally creative, make it their own, and go with that. Wonder why that is? I guess I'm sort of a "follow the rules" kinda gal. Always a "good girl"; good grades, model behavior, (well, most of the time, and those who know different aren't likely to tell, Hee Hee) and pretty obsessed with being perfect. Anyway, I'm gonna make you go over to Tiddly Inks to see the inspiration because for some reason Blogger won't let me sign in to my own blog using IE on this computer. I'm on Firefox now, but for some reason I can't move pix around in Firefox so I have to go login on my laptop (where I don't upload the pix) and then move them around there which has been a royal PITA for the last few days and I'm about ready to throw things. ( I won't, being such a "good girl" LOL but if it isn't fixed pretty darn soon all bets are OFF!)

I've chosen Sugar Plum Fairy and colored her with Copics. The frame around her is done with Petite Ovals Nesties and the "ruffles" are done with that old standby, Fiskars Threading Water Punch, using a combination of Bazzill and American Crafts card stock. The sentiment is a Melissa Francis rub-on. Christy has some fabulous new images which she's previewed HERE and there's also a fab new freebie available in the SHOP in the Freebies section. Now go have a look at the beautiful examples from the Tiddly Inkers and be sure to give a warm welcome to the fabulous new ladies joining the group. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

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