Sunday, April 3, 2011

BBTB2 Blog Hop Winner a Some Awards.

I am the worst at posting Blog Awards so I apologize if I've missed you. As it is, I had to go back a month to find this lovely Styish Blogger Award for the fabulous Jenn(StampinAngel Jenn)! Thank you so much Jenn! Bet you thought I completely forgot! Now there are rules to this which I choose to completley ignore. LOL One of which is revealing 8 things about myself. Seriously, I'm boring? If you read my blog you already know that. LOL

I also received the Versatile Blogger award from my dear DT sister Kerry(LakulCards) from the Cuttlebug Spot and also Lisa from Pretty Paper, Pretty Ribbons. Thank you so much, ladies!

Now Lisa didn't have enough abuse, she not only gave me the lovely Versatile Blogger Award which I didn't get around to acknowledging until today, but also the BFB Award. Holy moley, girly! You're a Sweetheart! Oh oh, again asking for the FACTS for that Versatile Blogger Award (and of course, the Stylish Blogger Award)! Well, maybe a few...

1) I'm an only child with no kids (I guess the buck stops here)

2) I'm a 16 year old living in the body of a _ _ year old. (how cruel!)

3) I'm a natural blonde who has found redheads have more FUN!

4) I'm easily bored so I like to mix it up when I craft.

5) I craft in silence except when I'm talking to myself or my BFF in my head

6) I believe wine is the Fountain of Youth, or at least SHOULD be.

7) I live in a dream world.

8) I really DO have Popsicle Toes!

Well, that ought to do it for Awards, 1 & 2, but passing them on to as many people as required is pretty darn impossible so if the award fits, GRAB IT! You can say it's from me.

and the BFB Award is to be given to people who consistantly visit your blog and leave comments regularly. Oh YIKES! Got lots of those too. Now you buddies know who you are so I won't mention you all and feel free to grab it, but I do want to give a shout out to KIM H (Scrappin Mom Of One Inspiring Little Boy) who always makes me feel like the most talented crafter on the planet. I really appreciate the love and support!

And finally, the moment you all have been waiting for, the winner of the $40 gift certifcate to Custom Crops is....... Number 24!

Congratulations No 24, COOLNANA 72! Who wrote:

(I'm wondering what the 72 stands for. It's the year I...oh, never mind...makes me sound OLD!)

To claim your prize please email me at dlmundinger(at) yahoo (dot) com. Thanks to all who participated in the hop. I hope you come back soon and often. And thank you again to Custom Crops for your generous sponsorship. Lots of Cricut goodies on sale there...just sayin!

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