Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Gentlewoman Issue 004 Launch at Dover St Market


Yesterday, Editor Penny Martin and co-designer Veronica Ditting where there signing copies in the IDEA Books space at DSM. There was quite a crowd of trend, plus scones made by Rose Bakery. A successful event all round.

There is a superb interview with Carine Roitfeld, a small article with model Natalia Vodianova (who we love!) and the design has really been stepped up. Even if you just purchase the magazine for the design, this is enough! We love their simple approach, but the design has become now more fun and playful yet keeping sophisticated - really defining The Gentlewoman as its own magazine, without the uphold of Fantastic Man. We're excited to see where this magazine is heading for the future...

Lastly, an image via Diane Pernet blog
The team (Jop, Veronica and Penny)  listening intently to what Diane has to say. I love this photo!

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