Sunday, September 11, 2011

Macabre Monday 7 Deadly Sins Challenge

This week at Haunted Design House, our challenge is to create a project inspired by one of the 7 Deadly Sins. That would be Lust, Greed, Envy, Pride(Vanity), Sloth, Gluttony and Wrath. I was all set to do a dude having a Big Mac Attack when I realized the project I was doing for the TOFF Challenge (that I was late for) would work just famously for this challenge so I saved it. Anyway, it is my FAVE Deady Sin so...(don't laugh, just because there's snow on the roof doesn't mean there's no fire in the chimney ;D) Anyway, I used The Octopode Factory Whimsical Devil Girl and colored her with Copics and popped her with dimensionals. The background paper was done with Distress Inks and the flames behind her were stamped using the cool Distressed Stripes clear stamps from Papertrey Ink (thanks, Leah) which I squiggled up on the clear block and also stamped with Distress. I did a little journaling (a la Art Journal style, sort of) up the flames and doodled a striped border as well (because the TOFF challenge was stripes). The die cut letters are the QuicKutz Haunted Mini Alphabet cut on my Cuttlebug. The Minions are out in full force so check out the inspiration HERE, and don't forget Wretched Wednesday when Creepy Glo posts her contribution. Hope to see yours, too.

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