Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Special Baby Card

Well, I'm away on our anniversary trip enjoying the lovely accomodations and idyllic setting at Nick's Cove, but I do have something new to show you. I can now reveal a commissioned baby card. I've actually never done a commission before, but out of the blue, I got a phone call from the Mom of one of my followers who wanted to surprise her daughter with a card from ME! I was flattered and shocked that this sweet Mom would track me down and make her request and the date seemed soo far away (at the time) that I just couldn't refuse.

What I didn't realize is how I would feel about the huge resonsibility it is to try to capture someone else's vision and it made me pretty nervous. The nursery is done in navy (yeah, that's navy on the card, not black) and lime green with an alligator motif. I threw out about a bazillion designs before I came up with something I liked. I had pix of the bedding and stuff and I found the PERFECT alligator on Zooballoo. The baby blocks are from New Arrival and the pond and grass is from Create a Critter. It's all welded in DS to a rounded rectangle from George into a shaped front card (big surprise!) The design still bothered me until I added a banner from a Stampin'Up Treat Cone Die (the shadow for that was hand cut) with an Alpha Bead sentiment.

Inside I added another pond, directly under the one on the front, so it didn't show through when the card was closed, for writing a personal note and another teeny alligator. Isn't he cute? He's embossed with the Mesh Texture Cuttlebug folder, rather than the Tiny Mosaic that his big brother is embossed with, which seemed more to scale. The pond paper is Bo Bunny which is already textured and the blocks were embossed with Swiss Dots.

As you can see, it is FAT and required a custom envie. I often use the Crayon Box from TBBM for these which I decorated to match but I was in such a hurry to get this mailed to Louisianna that I forgot to take pix. BUMMER! I sure hope Jennifer liked it and was happy and surprised.

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