Saturday, July 16, 2011


hello my friends and visitors

i am finally getting back to the swing of things and i have been invited to participate in some blog hops. they are the motivation and excuse to come in my craft room and forget about the tsunami in my household right now, lol.
i have to thank Felicia from 
for inviting me to participate in her first blog hop celebrating her first 100 followers, Yay!
i know how i felt when i got my first followers too and she is so sweet she wanted to celebrate it with this special hop called:
B.F.F - Inspirations of the heart.

Felicia was asking of us to make a project based of a special friendship. 
i am dedicating this my project to a blogger friend who has been with me since the beginning of my blogging adventures and who gave me my first blog award. Since then, we have been emailing each other and we have become cyber friends. we have even share some happy days and some not too happy days. I have learned to appreciate and love our virtual friendship and if we do not hear from each other in a few weeks we are already emailing each other making sure we are ok. this person is who i am choosing as my "cyber BFF" and i do not want to say her name but when she reads this post,  i know she will know i am talking about her. 

now onto my project.

Best Friend Frame
 hehe---just a sneak peak????? Nah...

this frame i purchased at a craft store for a dollar and i already had distress it for another project that never made it. 

most of the one inch squares came from a K&CO designer paper and others from my scrap collection.
i punch them out, inked it and distress them one by one. some were embossed and sanded. 
 the ribbons were curled using my heat gun. i also added some twine and a button from my vintage collection. all was then attached with my glue gun on the back of the frame.

i know the above pics are almost the same but you can notice the light making a difference on this gorgeous frame and the "best friend" phrase. this phrase is from a sizzix die i own. 
the chipboard flower is from my stash.

i hope you like my "paper quilt" distressed frame as much as i do. 
a little secret?....this is my second project i made for this hop. the first one was destroyed by my husband when put a shoe box (shoes inside) on top of my project inadvertently. i am so glad because i wasn't feeling the love for the other one. sometimes accidents happen for a good reason. i am glad this time.
thanks for stopping by.

i do have some little things to put together for a lucky hopper. 
you do not need to be a follower to be included in this giveaway but when you leave a comment also leave a way to contact you in case chooses you as the winner.
i will close comments on this post on Sunday, July 17 at 12:01 AM EST.

this is your last stop.

i hope you had a great one
below you will find the line up in case you stopped on my blog first.
(Blog Hostess)
                                                      Emma -

                                                      Momo -

                                                       Paula -

                                                       Jovan -
                                                       Shen -

                                                       Ruthie -

                                                      Nicole -

Daily Life:
Grad party went fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!! we all had a great time. we had over 130 guests and leftovers for a while.

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