Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Champ at Bright Tradeshow IMAGES ARE UP!

Our film rolls are developed, and here's some photos from the happenings last week.
Berlin was busy with locals & visiting folk, whether in town for Bright, Premium & Seek, Bread & Butter, Fashion Week or just to hang out.

Good times +

We held our Champfest Art Space, alongside our good friends at FixedGe

This year we had a great group of international artists exhibiting under our exhibition entitled
Sketches, Snaps & Screenprints

Big thank you to all the brilliant Champ artists involved +

French | London
Arran Gregory | London
Hollie Martin | Sydney

Crista Leonard | Andorra & Barcelona
Kate Gagliardi | Melbourne
Darren Henderson | Melbourne

FGL showcased incredible photographs taken by Andy Ellis & Jonathan Winstone.

It was the first year for Bright Festival, including "Above the line" comp & familiar faces...

Relaxing in Bright Lounge ...

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