Saturday, July 23, 2011

Indonesia Gets Asean Support In Role On Thailand-Cambodia Border Issue

NUSA DUA (BALI), July 23 (Bernama) -- Indonesia has received the support of Asean to continue with its role to find a peaceful solution to the Cambodia-Thailand border issue.

The support was stated in the Chairman Statement of the Asean Foreign Ministers Meeting, which was held here on July 19.

"The meeting supports Indonesia as Chair of Asean to continue to undertake consultations with Cambodia and Thailand on the above matter," it said.

The meeting also recognised the importance of the July 18 order of the International Court of Justice for the indication of provisional measures on the Thailand and Cambodia border issue.

They include the continued cooperation of both parties, particularly in allowing the observers appointed by the organisation to have access to the provisional demilitarised zone.

It also welcomed the continuing commitment by Cambodia and Thailand to resolving their differences by peaceful means.

by KI Media

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