Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tiddly Inks Nature Movie Challenge

This week at the Tiddly Inks Challenge Blog we're continuing our movie theme with Nature Movies. Now, don't panic, we've sort of broadened the scope here to include just about anything with flowers and fairies, etc., as you'll see from the gorgeous examples by my teamies. I , of course, being one to ALWAYS follow the rules to the letter (HA!), chose the nature documentary "The Bear". I went all CAS here, which as you know, is quite the departure from my norm, but I thought Father Bumble Bear (available HERE as part of the Bumble Bears Mega pack where you can get the WHOLE family at a super bargain) or HERE as an individual digi in The Tiddly Inks Basement , looked super fine as is, without a bunch of "shtuff" when I plunked him and his little cubby on top of one of the colored papers that are part of the Flower Garden Set. Besides a number of cool background colored sheets, you also get the adorable flower garden (inspired by Christy's own daughter's work) to color yourself. If you're interested in seeing what the Flower Garden looks like colored with Copics, you can check out my card HERE. I've added 3 tiny buttons, a computer generated sentiment, and a half mat to a premade A2 card and that was it! Looks like a good male card to me and you know they don't like a whole lot of foofala.

The simple bears were perfect for practicing my Copic blending skills (and I do need LOTS more practice) but I suggest, when you need some help, to check out the sample cards Christy features on the SHOP. At the bottom of each of the digis are sample cards using that image to get your mojo flowing. WooHoo! And one other little trick I thought I'd pass on, when fussy cutting an image without leaving any border, try running your marker around the very edge of your image afterwards, to camouflage any less than perfect work. Now go and see the gorgeous work by the rest of the Tiddly Inkers, and Christy may just have some freebies for you today. Don't miss out! OOOh, and I almost forgot, there's still time to play our I Spy game (directions HERE) and take advantage of the 15% off sale going on at Tiddly Inks and Make IT Crafty through July 21.

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