Saturday, July 23, 2011


what a nice line up Gisella and Nadia put together. all the projects are terrific! there are a few i am going to try myself when time allows.

you all know i am getting ready for my son's move to Boston University. at the end of august. oh my, my heart just sank thinking about it.

 anyhow, today is a tag/wrap it day at 
and here is my project.

Have a Merry One Tag

i have seen a few embellishments done this way and i wanted to give it a try. not perfect but still a cute tree. 
it is a very simple tag but i made a mess making it anyway---lol...that is me for you, lol.


Cricut Cartridges
---Give a Hoot: Christmas Tree (cut 10 times) at 3"
---Verry Merry Tags: tag---cut at 4.25"

Patterned Papers:
DCWV- red

Cuttlebug Die: stars

Martha Stewart: glitter

American Crafts:
foam adhesive

dollar clear stamp

Black Embossing Powder:
Additional supplies:
from my craftroom

Hope you enjoy my humble tag. 
you should this technique. it is fun to work with. 

-----My last project for this Christmas in July Event----
will be Sunday, July 24th---last day. 
(I am not sure when is the last day for participating in the challenges and/or giveaways) so get yourself over there so you do not miss anything, LOL. 

Here is the link to the Christmas in July Event

 love to all! 

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