Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Day For Daisies CDAC 300 Member Party

Just a quickie this morning because I just couldn't pass up the freebies for the 300 Member Party for A Day For Daisies on CDAC. I adore the ADFD images and subscribe to their newsletter, visit their blog and have purchased a number of their digi stamps. Tammy has such a sweet and unique style and I thank my friend Lisa, who does fabulous work on their DT, for introducing them to me. I can't believe this is the first time I've done a challenge cardfor ADFD. Not enough hours in the day! I've used the Happy Birthday Tower and filled in the tags and added a sentiment with my Printmaster Pro program. At first I printed it with "yummy" on the tags, but then thought it would make a cute thank you card too. (Although I guess with this sentiment it could really be used for anything.) I've colored it with Copics and used a silver gel pen for the cupcake stand. The DP is from the Lemonade 6x6 pad by Basic Grey. Now I better get back to my DT stuff, but I sure hope you have a chance to check out the fun at the ADFD party.

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