Friday, March 19, 2010


Yesterday I was doing errands for my husband. The day before I got some white paint for the crown molding and window wood work what came out to be a........ disaster. It was the wrong number....ooops! He did not tell me. It was his fault.hehehe. The wood work in the bedroom had a satin oily paint or stain........what a mess.
So yesterday I had to go and get more paint,  and he painted and painted and painted....I do not understand why it took him so long, grrrr then I stopped at the grocery store too for a few things I forgot to get the day before.....don't you hate doing that. I am hoping here I am not the only one :)
Then, Lulu and I went outside to pick up the sticks that fall out from our dead tree every time we have heavy and not so heavy winds, LOL bending, kneeing, reaching and sweating did not do too good for me. After an our or so I couldn't even move, lol. Any was garbage night and my son is the one in charge but he has been so busy with the extra curricular activities at school I decided to give him a break and Oh Boy! it was a lot of cardstock to cut for recycling, ouch! My poor hands.
Then it was making supper for my son before he left again... and then another supper for me and hubby.
Lulu was all stressed out because she loves our bed and she could not go up because we had stuff on it. She kept telling us to hurry up she wanted to go on the bed (barking is her way).
Oh the time I had a chance to sit down and look at the new cartridges I remember I had to put my glaucoma drops in and they burned so bad last night couldn't see for a whille, lol.
What a day....I ended up smelling like Icy Hot when I went to bed that is after taking a nice shower, yeap after a nice shower I went to bed smelling like Icy Hot. LMBO
You can laugh too!

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