Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Finally I am here...finished the card that gave me so much trouble. All I did yesterday had a story, not a thing was smooth and stress free. It wasn't my day.
This morning I decided to start all over again. I put Lulu in her cage, not locked up even I wanted too, lol and picked up different papers and here it is.

 The card for today is the Flower Card, # 25 in our series 
and from page 56 in the cartridge handbook.

My Flower Card
4 inches
 The paper/cardstock used for the base of the card is from K&Co (Road trip collection);
the glittered flowers and leaves are from DCWV Holiday Collection stack. I chalked and inked this time: the chalk is from Pebbles and the ink from Ink It Up dye ink. I had to used chalk because some of the petals were to close to each other for the ink. I do not use chalk a lot but it is a nice finish for definition.

Lisa's Flower Card
To see more of Lisa's card please, visit her blog at 

Thanks so much for your patience and 
I hope you enjoyed the cards for today.

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