Monday, March 15, 2010


Not too long ago I email the owner of ONE PRETTY THING to ask her if my Shamrock was good enough to post on her site. 
She reply back and said yes and asked if I had a link for a tutorial. 
Today, while I am deciding what colors I am going 
to use on my Grow canvas project, I was browsing on my favs folder 
and saw Rachel had posted my Shamrock on her site.

 You are really-really going be sooo inspired by what she does
you are going to be flipping backwards.
Here is the link again to where she posted my Shamrock 
and please, make sure you have enough time to look
because you are going to need it.

Shamrock on One Pretty Thing

Hugs to all and a  
HUGE THANKS to Rachel 
for give the opportunity to expose my work.

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