Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Nice (smart) work by Adrian Gray - also feat. in Go Font Yourself Exhibition, Australia
Recently blogged by Jo - the Melbourne display is being held at friends, No Vacancy Gallery.
Check it oooout.

Next up at Ambush Gallery
If you're in Sydney - attending Semi-Permanent maybe - check out these 2 shows. Should be brilliant!

Everythings happening in Sydney! 
Secret Wars have just hit Australian shores..
Starting April 1st, 8pm
Bridge Stehli vs. Houl 
at Name This Bar, Darlinghurst, NSW

Originating in UK, Secret Wars nights are always dope. Loads of fun. A must if you live in Sydney.
For more see

Lina Scheynius - Diary
18th March to 25th April at Viktor Wynd Fine Art
PRIVATE VIEW- Thursday 18th March at 11 Mare Street London E8

I've been meaning to check out Viktor Wynd's store/gallery - The Last Tuesday Society for some time now, as I used to live a few streets away from it. Here's a good reason...

Meanwhile, at Antonio Colombo Arte Contemporanea 
Marco Congolani solo show

 Comics. Fotostoria d’Italia ritoccata ad arte

Opening on Thursday 18 March, 18.00 as part of LITTLE CIRCUS
On view until Saturday 17 April 2010
Tues – Sat, 15.00 – 19.00

Giant's solo show at Colombo Arte Contemporanea is also still on until April 10th. Go see it if you can!!

Another artist we LOVE is Jaybo. He has his solo show on at the moment at Stolenspace Gallery.

In The Back Of Real (Never Hide The Madness)'
12.03.10 - 28.03.10

Marco Zamora and Derek Albeck
will be showing their works at Fecal Face Dot Gallery
Opening Thurs April 1st, 2010 (6-9pm)

They both have great work - would be great to see it in person. I really like Marco's work, which is bicycle-inspired. There is so much shit bike artwork - don't get me wrong, it's good people are creating - but when it is done well, its great to see.

Lastly, Fecal Face (John and Jessica Trippe) will be at Semi-Permanent this Friday! Go see them talk if you can. 

Also, this Thursday in London don't miss...


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