Thursday, March 25, 2010


Hoping everyone is having a great day today

 Lisa and I are presenting the Branch Card today. 
It is #26 in our ongoing series and you can find it on page #57 of the cartridge handbook.

My Branch Card
5 inches 
 This card, once again gave me a bit of trouble and I do not know if is because I am not feeling well or that I had enough of the Wild Cards already, lol.

I picked the hot pink cardstock from some stack I have had for a while, then I picked the yellow one from my scraps and chose an orange cardstock from one of the Value Packs, as I call them.  This Value Pack one was from Hobby Lobby. After gluing it I did not like the orange on the branch , grrr!!! then it was the search for another color, lol. I ended up using the same pink one I used for the base and the greenish another of my scraps... from the one I used to make the words in the "All in One" (money holder). As you can see, I did some white faux stitch and inking. Then... I wasn't happy with the stitch on the pink so I added some yellow and white ribbon to cover some of the stitching on that side, lol. 
My Lulu.wanted attention again...(that spoiled brat all she wants to do is play, lol). She comes to the craft room and starts barking and scratching on the chair I am sitting until I pick her up and how in the world I can concentrate and make cards with her on my lap???? You tell me. But....I love her so much, she makes me very happy and she is so funny. I can't just resist, so I do give her some attention but that makes the process of making cards a bit longer than normal, lol. Oh well! Whatever it takes, right?
I won't bore you any longer but I do hope you enjoyed another card on the 
Wild Card with Lisa project/

Lisa's Branch Card
 I like Lisa's card colors. I also like how she embossed the branch and did you see that stem?
Please, go and check out her BLOG if you have time to see how she made this cutie.

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