Monday, March 22, 2010


I like to grow some flowers, vegetables and herbs from seeds. I like to experiment every year with some new ones. Some of them I can't grow and some of them do very well. This year I decided to try beans, balsam, lupines. I already tried Morning Glories, but I am growing them again this year because I want to build two wooden planters for each side of the arbor and then have the Morning Glories climb up and around it. I am also growing cilantro for salsa and oregano. I do not know what else I will be growing this year but this is what I started with. Oh! I got some petunias too but they are not doing very well as of today, lol.
Here are some photos of the ones that are already sprouting very nice.
Below, you will find Lulu since I haven't show her for a while. She loves to eat. I bet she is like 20 lbs right now. The last outfit my husband bought her is already tight on her, lol. The Vet is going to yell at me when the time comes :(


and... a photo from yesterday of my son in his new/used Tux. They had a  Chorale concert .
My son's hair/beard is a mess but he had to let it grow for the musical he is in. 

Well, I have a nice card I made for AlaskaCricut's challenge on the Cricut Message Board but I will post that one when I come back from school. I have to volunteer tonight. All I do is sit in this room just in case the kids from the musical rehearsal have any homework to do. It is a quiet room for them to work.

Thanks for stopping by!

Note: Tomorrow is Wild Card with Lisa, please, stop by and see what we made.

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