Friday, July 1, 2011

Blog Hop Winner and Tons of Announcements

TGIF, everyone! I dare say I wish it were still earlier in the week as I've still got tons of things to do to get ready for the 4th. However, it's a very exciting day for me because I've been PUBLISHED in the July issue of GingerScrapStreet Digital Magazine. Click HERE for the Table of Contents and HERE for the Alice in Wonderland Article. WooHoo! Thank you so much Jess for including me in this fab publication. I'm honored to be featured among such fabulously talented designers.

And BTW, Jess has a little incentive to view the article. She has a little game going for some fab Blog Candy so Click HERE to see what that's all about.

Just so happens that most of the images from my published card came from The Octopode Factory. It is also the day that The Octopode Factory Friday challenges begin and you KNOW I'm excited about that! I can't wait to participate in the challenges. You needn't use Octopode images to join the challenges but you do need to use them to WIN so I'm sure you want to shop HERE.

Then, on July 14th there will be a fabulous joint venture between Tiddly Inks and Make it Crafty. Read all about this exciting collaboration HERE! Just wait 'til you see the gorgeous new mix and match stamps from both stores.

Now I'm hopin' you guys didn't just skip to this part 'cause there was lots of cool info about upcoming events (as well as a little horn tooting of my own, but) FINALLY, the winner of the BBTB2 Blog Hop prize, a $40 gift certificate from CUSTOM CROPS is......
#35, Cathy!!!!! who wrote:

Congratulations Cathy!

please email me at dlmundinger(at)yahoo(dot)com to arrange for your prize.

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