Saturday, October 22, 2011

Late Post on FRIEZE Art Fair

London, October


Since it was last week, I was hesitant to post on the happenings at Frieze Art Fair in London this year.

The location is more than amazing, right in the midst of Regents Park, as it is great to walk through the beautiful park and what they call Sulpture Park. A nice welcome...

They do have a great amount of galleries exhibiting, local and international, including Spruth Magers, Peres Projects and Stuart Shave Modern Art.

Although I wasn't too impressed with the event on a whole, there were some great exhibitions and galleries at the Annual Event that should be shared.

The atmosphere is also something to comment on. It is more of a Tradeshow, and as a member of the Press, I should have expected to view the Fair differently to say, a buyer.
It seems every attendee is either an art critic, or a professional photographer - which makes for a very interesting crowd.

It was nice to walk in and first thing you see is a great selection of books. Thanks Koenig Books.

Lucky PDF was fun to watch and chill at. They had Schnapps for everyone (YES) in conjunction with PELES EMPIRE works.

Do Ho Suh
Cause & Effect, 2007

Lehmann Maupin Gallery, NYC

Raymond Pettibon

Contemporary Fine Arts, Berlin

Pawel Althamer

Foksal Gallery Foundation, Warsaw

There were nice seating areas to rest and eat. Gail's food was well priced. Good one Gail.

All in all, I think it is a Fair for those 'interested in art once per year', to see art once per year.
It is nice to see the International Galleries, but the vast majority are galleries in London.

Get out and visit the galleries right near you....

Elms Lesters Gallery
Currently exhibiting the works of ADAM Neate

Hayward Gallery
Currently exhibiting the first major retrospective of the work of GEORGE CONDO

and as reported in QUOTATION magazine, go visit Peckham's Emerging Art Scene.
Galleries there to visit:

Hannah Barry Gallery
New Gallery London
Off Modern


Held in Regents Park, there were some great sculptures amongst the beautiful gardens.

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