Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Saturated Canary Challenge #1

Okay, I almost couldn't get any later than this. In fact I would have been too late had I not bopped over to The Saturated Canary Challenge Blog and noticed the deadline for this first sketch (and photo inspiration challenge) ends at midnight! EEEKK!!! I pretty much stink at sketches (no creativity for thinking outside the box with them) but Halloween...NO PROB! I chose the adorable Frankenstein Tambry digi for my project. She's colored with Copics to match the Basic Grey Eerie DP and from there I just pretty much followed the sketch.

Look at that face! Is she precious or what? (Actually, they ALL are and you can see them in the Etsy store HERE, but you'll have to wait 'til tomorrow because Krista took a mini vacay). Go Krista! Edit: She's BAACK!, go shop!

I took a close up of the little dangling charm so that the lovely ladies at Forever Night challenges could see that she's Trick or Treating. She's just a little shy. Love that webby ribbon and the crocheted lace. Thought it looked nice with the crocheted flower on top. So there we go. Friday there will be a new challenge at The Saturated Canary AND Forever Night. WooHoo!

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