Monday, October 24, 2011


what a nice image we have this week for the challenge. you will find it in the happy hauntings cartridge but as you might know already, if you do not own that cart, you can use any other that has a similar image.
come on!!! and have fun with us.
this project will be perfect for this halloween and many more to come.
i made a home decor/wall art project. it is so darn cute you are going to love it.

The Witch
6" x 9"
misses witch here was cut at 3"
and can you believe i do not have black glitter?
i was so upset because i wanted to cover her gown and cape with glitter (and did not want to go to the store), so i added some sparkles with a silver glitter pen i own.

i added some dimension as you can observe here.
(it looked like too flat on the frame without the foam tape).

these pretty papers were cut as follows to cover the 6 x 9" chipboard frame:
from the top: 3- 2 x 3"
center: 2- 1 x 3" in each side and the middle one is 4 x 3" (where the witch is)
and then 3 more pieces 2 x 3" for the bottom part.

added some rhinestones, some bats border, the crop-a-dile made the holes for the purple brads and black wire was used as the hanger. of course i inked every piece and added some ribbon to the wire.
below is the complete project:
please join us if you have time.
click HERE to see what my dear teammates have made with this image from happy hauntings and to add your project.
Remember these challenges, at Bitten by the Bug, run for two weeks.


NOTES: since i did not have no other entries on my mr. V challenge but one who followed the requirements, the fabulous BRICKED EMBOSSING FOLDER will go to
jayne designs from the UK. YAY!!!

(jayne the rules are you have three days to claim your prize or it will be forfeited. you can find my email by my profile).

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