Monday, October 3, 2011


i have a new BLOG BUTTON not made by me this time, lol. i had chris from made it for me. hopefully, you pay her a visit and see how beautiful her work is and how beautiful she can make your blog for a super very reasonable price. i did not want a blog makeover because i like to change things around a lot, but i did want a button that i can always use and that you can grab if you want to.

anyhow, this week at the Bitten by the Bug, we are working with a frog from create a critter, page #24.
let's play along!
this is my project using the cute froggie.
since the witches have already getting ready for their day, i wanted to make my frog fit for the occasion.

3.5" x 6"
you might ask what kind of envelopes i use for these sizes...well, with the gypsy, i can maneuver the envelopes in some cartridges and customize them for my cards. ;D
purple is always so hard for me to photograph well, :(
the witchy epoxy circle just added the perfect touch for the spot and, gave me a name for the card. on the back, i just hot glued a piece of black dyed bias ribbon.
the spider web on the left is from october 31st, image #8 on the overlay and,
flipped to fit on the left side of my card. some of the web is behind the background paper.

this cardstock i used for the frog it was a plain cardstock which i stamped with purple ink to give it some substance. i am trying to play more with my stamps and this is a pretty example of what you can do with stamping.
the green bat on her necklace is the negative of a paper punch, i covered it with glossy accents for a bit more of bling.

the fancy right edge border is another paper punch from fiskars, and the orange and black beads i purchased on clearance last year after halloween for this halloween...thrifty/frugal/cheap/smart???...
whatever you want to call me, lol

this is the final card. i just love it so much and i hope you do too and give you a push to participate in this week challenge at Bitten by the Bug.

thanks so much for stopping by 
and, next week is my turn to choose the image you will be working on the challenge. yay! you do not want to miss it, lol.

------------ is my pleasure to announce the winner of last week Bitten by the Bug hop. 
below is a reminder of the rules for the giveaway:

"i have a small giveaway and i will use to choose for me.
you will have three days to claim your prize.

***the small print says you must participate in this BBTB challenge to be able to add your name for my giveaway".

ok, i just had three entries and instead of using random i decided i will choose it myself. The winner is Diana L. she is one of my faithful followers. 
sometimes it does pays to be a follower uh?, lol.
Thanks Diana for being such a sweet friend.
contact me and let me know your addy. we all have so many supplies but when you email me i will ask if you have this or not :D

a BIG thank you to Katieo and Sue for stopping by and also for participating on the wheelbarrow challenge at the BBTB2. anothe HUGE thank you for my other friends who stopped by to comment on my project even they did not have time to participate in the challenge. know that i always read your comments and they really fuel me to keep blogging. :P

love you all!

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