Wednesday, March 3, 2010

'Exit Through The Gift Shop,

Saw the film last night with Annabelle at The Lambeth Palace Picture House. The area is an authorized graffiti area - its under a tunnel in Waterloo area. The place is alive with art - love it. The cinema is not so 'makeshift'. The place was well pimped out with Banksy's work and the cinema was dope. Really great hidden area.
The film comes at street art from a totally different angle. Surprising. Surprisingly good. And well funny in bits. I kind of got the impression the message was that art can be done by anyone (which is usually a good thing) and with drive, anyone can make a good buck from it. Abit sad.. With not giving too much away, the film is more of a story - a focus on a persons life - whilst including prolific artists with rep. Very entertaining. Eyes wide open the whole time. Go see it dammit!
Beer and great cinema...

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