Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Hello to all!

As some of you know, I love gardening. I like to play with the dirt and 
start my flowers/vegetables from seeds. 
I am no pro and I do not have a beautiful garden. I just like to garden.
This is my time to start seeding and that is 
what I was doing yesterday. Then, I had some volunteering job to do.
I also had my electrician at home because we had the 
main circuit box changed and needed 
to call the inspector and make an appointment. 
Also, my door bell was not working. 
The problem was the switch needed to be reset, ooops... lol.
Anyhow, you know what he told me? The hole in the ceiling??? 
 I almost cried when he said he would've done it for $50 :( 
From now on I will call him first.
Anyway, I apologize I got distracted here from the main object of this post, which is the 


On this Thursday, March 9, and a beautiful day. 
(I believe the temp is supposed to be nearly 50 degrees, 
YAY! It is like recharging my battery with the 
awesome sunshine after a long winter).
I am presenting the Doily Card
# 21 in our series and from page 52 of the handbook.

My Doily Card
5 inches

Lisa's Doily card
 For more info on Lisa's card, please go to
Lisa's BLOG
Also, please notice her posts about getting 
almost every blog candy there is. LOL
The girl is really lucky, I need to rub on some of that on me. LOL
I am happy for you Lisa,
Enjoy your goodies!

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