Tuesday, March 2, 2010


You have no idea how far behind I am with the Wild Card with Lisa project. I just made this one yesterday and took the photos this morning and I have no card for Thursday yet.
One thing I forgot to mention on my "7 THINGS ABOUT ME" is that if I have chores to do and errands to run or I feel the house needs to be freshen-up I can't scrap. I have to to get things in order first so I have a clean status of mind to concentrate and do my hobbies.
Are you like me?
Anyway, I am here after doing laundry, freshen-up the house and made some phone calls. My contractor is coming today and I will know how much my clumsiness/damage is going to cost. :P

Today I will present my Wave Card...Oh, No!!! I will be back in a minute. Lulu's tummy not feeling good.
I gave her one of her snacks and for some reason didn't agree with her today.
Oh My!

Ok, back to the Wave Card #19 and from page 50 of the handbook. I enjoyed making this card. I went out of my boundaries and you will notice the colors are not my normal bright colors. It's a change of view thanks to Lisa. She used similar colors in one of her projects and I found some paper with look alike colors in my stash of K&Co and decided to give it a try. I hope you like it.

My Wave Card
6 inches

The flowers are  Prima flowers that I inked with some green to match the colors I was using. I then layered it and use a tiny red flower and a rhinestone in the center.

I made a slit on this side to insert a bit of the left flap here because it wouldn't stay close. 
It worked perfect. I just marked it with a pencil and cut it with my X-acto knife.

This is the inside, a phrase from the Wave card and if you notice I like to use my Cricut markers with the phrases a lot. In my opinion, they more definition and you can read them better.

Above you see the envelope and another close-up of the flower.
Did you know sometimes I used construction paper for the envelopes?
This envelope is one of them. I set my blade and pressure to 3 and it cuts like butter too.
I have been using my G for all my cards and I have  a lot of them designed already but still have to cut them.

Now, we go to
Lisa's Wave Card
 I almost use the thick wave Lisa did on hers and you will see I used a flower too. You have to believe in the saying: "Great minds think alike" because I did not see Lisa's card until this morning when I went to Photobucket and Lisa did not see mine because I just posted mine. LOL.  
ETA: I just read Lisa's input on the Wave card and we differ some...
lol...me talking about great minds think alike...LOL.
You can click HERE to go to Lisa's blog.
I will be back a bit later.
I hope you enjoy them.

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