Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Cuttlebug Spot Favorite Flower (and Happy Birthday to ME!)

This week at The Cuttlebug Spot we're celebrating our favorite flowers. I have so many, it was hard to choose, but seeing that it's Spring and I had an Impressabilites embossing (what do you call 'em, stencils?) from my dear friend Glenda (Thanks hon!) along with a tulip Borderabilities (also from Glenda) I hadn't used I thought "Tulips it is!"

I wasn't quite sure what to do with these thin metal filigree plates so I bopped over to Susie B's Heartprints Gallery (Shes by far the embossing QUEEN!) to see how to use them in the Cuttlebug. She had all sorts of recommendations as to paper and whatnot, but I just followed her Cuttlebug sandwich guide of A Plate, B Plate, Spellbinders tan embossing mat (you really do need the thin squishy mat for this, plumber's gasket is too hard) , paper, Impressabilitie, and B Plate. You'll also need some shims to get a deeper emboss. I used 2 of the cardboards that come with my Cuttlebug Folders. As for card stock, I just used the inexpensive Wausau stuff you get a WalMart.

I really love how this turned out, especially after chalking. It doesn't photograph as well as it looks IRL. I decided to keep it simple and do a monogram card using the Borderabilitie across, and labels 9 as a base for the "D" that I cut on my Cricut from Lyrical Letters Loop Dee Loo font. The small tulip I added is from the Spellbinders Tulip Pendant. I really think it turned out soft and pretty and I'm sure I'll be making more of these. Be sure to stop by The Cuttlebug Spot Garden to see al of the beautiful creations by my DT sisters. And please play along for a chance to win a $50 (WooHoo!) gift voucher from Simon Says Stamp! But remember, you need to submit a "new" card and it must have some type of dry embossing. I'm a bit bummed today, because after several days of fabulous weather, it's dreary and rainy and it's my birthday. At the moment the old "April showers bring May flowers doesn't cut it with me. LOL At least dinner at Boulevard in San Francisco will cheer me up! YUM!

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