Friday, April 16, 2010

'Friday, I'm in love,

VNA Magazine Issue 11 launch last night was a riot. Will post photos once they are processed (really into my Ricoh film at the moment).

Andy from FixedGearLondon just released his //All Weather Jacket// which is looking soooo dope. I desperately want this one in small! Oh my days...
They retail at £250 quid but are well worth the dollar. It is totally waterproof, super light and very well designed. Its simple, but every thought has been put into the detail. So far I'm loving the waterproof zips, as they're slim, not rigid and long (which means deep pockets). Thought has been put into the location of the zips - there is one at the back, cycling style, so easy to reach and use. Inside, there is a handy pocket camouflaged in the FGLDN logo. RAD.
I want one so so bad...

New kicks.. these arrived today! Well good. I bought them from CrookedTongues. Usually I do enjoy going into a store - help support independant businesses! Although if you know exactly what you're after, and know you're size for that brand, why not use the net??

Quite possibly the smallest shoe-box I have ever seen

Vans //Joel Tudor Duffle Bag// - got this yesterday from Vans store in Carnaby St. One of my favourite brands, they always come up with the goods.
It comes with a wet/dry bag inside and best of all has hidden backpack straps. This is v. important, trust me. It also looks dope. The vintage brass hardware combined with the army-green colour of the canvas, ensures me it will also look good when I'm using it in 5 years time. I'm all for that...

Tobias (from my hometown Adelaide) is in London - on his way to Amsterdam where he is moving to.

On the way to Stu's we spotted a perfectly dead squirrel. We do think it may have also been suntanning / sleeping...

If you spot any roadkill, please let Reid or Jack from RP Encore. Reid makes jewellery from taxidermy items. Submissions are more than welcome. Contact her via her site.

Always a pleasure to see Stu (who was featured in Champfest Issue 001). He's working on some top secret collaborations. Super busy! If you need any screenprinting done (anything - stickers, tshirts, prints..) contact him.

Today's luncheon. If you have never been to The Japan Centre (off Leicester Sq - about a 30 second walk) - you have been living under rock for how long now??
They have the tastiest, cheapest sushi. Plus, you can purchase imported items such as Japanese magazines, food and drink. Everything!! Their new location also means they now have a sushi train, cafe with tempura and noodles to eat in, bakery and beer fridge! Did I not say everything.  I missed coffee in a can so bad, and now my troubles are sorted...Amen.

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