Saturday, April 24, 2010

What You've Missed

Graffomat... more here 



Jonathan Winstone (London E2)

Photographer Jonathan Winstone recently asked me a few questions about nothing. >> Its a show about nothing! Peep it here .

Sew Watless is a freethinking, one-man band who specialises in re-making and re-homing found objects.
So often people leave, once loved items out on the streets, waiting for the local council to pick up and ultimately dispose of them.
There is something hauntingly beautiful about dishevelled furniture, left to waste, yet with so much more to give.
Sew Watless takes it upon itself to not only restore, but also reinvent, modernize and collaborate with items of craftsmanship and beauty.
With pattern cutting, carpentry and upholstery skills every piece is deconstructed then reconstructed in a different guise.
All items saved from the ill fated tip are Sew Wat’ed back into life.

Very in love with Mat Macfarlane's (re) designs
More here. .but these are my favourites.

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