Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bah! Humbug Scarves and Mittens Challenge

Poor Max was ill and Ann is a giddy new Grandma, but the fab guest designers as B!H! carried the torch and brought fab inspiration to this week's Bah! Humbug! challenge which was Scarves and Mittens. Honestly, I've been running on empty and why I decided to do a Cricut shaped card at the 11th hour is beyond me, but I managed. All DP's are from the DCWV Homespun Stack.

It's a shaped front card with all the front cuts coming from Winter Wonderland, welded to the rounded rectangle from George.

Not quite as much dimension as I planned but I ran out of steam. I did flock the mitten cuffs and did a bit of doodling and added some ribbon bows, but that's about it. Note to self: Don't start designing one of these after lunch or it's gonna be a LONG afternoon. LOL Also pretty tough to work on when it's near 100 outside. YIKES! Short post, can you tell I'm dead tired and it's only 8:00PM? I'm also entering this in the Christmas Cards All Year 'Round June Challenge.

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