Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Live My Life Alleycat | Paris

Paris is one the best cities to cycle in. We took part in the Live My Life Alleycat #1, put together by Coursier.fr - the number one courier company in Paris. 

I highly recommend anyone visiting, to get involved in a future event - it's exciting and everyone has fun. More importantly, no-one pays you out if you end up cycling Velib-style! Those things are heavy...

My riding crew consisted of Jo, Mel and Julien - our main man - who was our guide the whole way. We didn't even come last! thanks to Julien ofcourse. He knows the city streets and the short-cuts...

Soundtrack is another Parisian bicycle group to follow. They organize other events in Paris if you want to get involved.. 
Stay in the know here.


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