Wednesday, June 22, 2011


i receive updates from the "scrapbook update" website, who the owner is a very nice lady called nancy nally. this morning i received this one where she is talking about a new place called:

(clicking on the name will take you to its site)

and, this is the link to "scrapbook update" where you can read what miss nancy nally knows about this fabulous new online community.

i just needed to share it with you guys.

i think it will be lots of fun!!!!!!!!!!


here is a card i made the other day to "escape" from all the turmoil around me.

hope you like it. 
the sentiment is from My Pink Stamper, of course--- :P 
patterned papers are from "my mind's eye"


Daily Life: 
UPDATE ON LULU---lulu still SLOWLY improving. she needs to be calm and when she gets excited she still coughs like having an asthma attack :( i know that cough very well since my son suffered from asthma when younger. we still waiting for the results of the "trachea wash" and other tests they did on her. i will keep you updated and THANKS SO VERY MUCH for your get well wishes and prayers for LULU. you touch our hearts and we appreciate it.
Miss RHONDA, we couldn't believe you take insulin 5 times a day. we will be praying for you too. 
hugs and love to all!

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